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How to prepare for vacation?
How to prepare for vacation?
Ana avatar
Written by Ana
Updated over a week ago

Vacation does not come around often. It’s a time of relaxation and enjoyment, an opportunity to spend valuable time with family and friends. But, vacation can also cause carnage on your weight loss journey. But thankfully, with a few tweaks and some common sense you can still progress on your weight loss journey while away on vacation.

Try your best to stay on track. The meal plan set out in the RH app should be relatively easy to stick to while eating in a hotel, although perhaps a little boring. So try and take 2 out of 4 of the meals and then be a little more flexible with that final meal. As an example, take breakfast and lunch from your meal plan, skip the snack and in the evening you have more flexibility.

In that evening meal simply use the serving size suggestions that we outline in the RH coaching course to make suitable choices. As a quick reminder, build foods (protein rich foods) should be around a hand sized serving, while fuel foods (carbohydrate rich foods) should be a fist sized serving and boost foods (fruit, vegetables and healthy fats) should make up the remaining space on your plate, creating a rainbow of colour.

So practically speaking that could be a nice piece of fish (build food) making up most of the plate, with some rice, pasta or potatoes (fuel food) making up a fist sized serving and then the remaining space can be made up of various vegetables or salads with some olive oil. Accompanied by water or sparkling water of course.

Combine this with regular walks (perhaps along the beach if you're lucky) and other activities will maintain metabolic rate and keep you burning calories.

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